2019-03-23 17:09:28

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Stock Investing 101: A Guide to the Stock Market   


Stocks (also known as equities) represent shares of ownership in a corporation. Their usual purpose in a portfolio is to provide appreciation and, over many decades, they have been the most productive assets for building wealth for almost all investors. It’s what most people think of when they talk about “the market.”



Some stocks also pay dividends, which can offer investors a source of regular income, though payouts aren’t guaranteed.



Stocks are a key part of any portfolio. You can invest in mutual funds and exchange-traded funds that own stocks, or you can research and buy individual stocks. In either case, these are the primary categories to consider when building a diversified portfolio.






Domestic vs. International Investing



Traditionally, Americans have tended to stay close to home when it comes to their equity portfolios, but this is now changing as more investors realize the diversification and growth benefits of investing in the global economy. Indeed, U.S. companies constitute only about half the value of all world equities, and that piece of the pie is slowing getting smaller. Virtually every portfolio should have a good slug of international stocks.





Industry Sectors



Different industries tend to perform differently under different economic conditions or expectations. These relationships are not perfect, but they do provide reliable indications. For example, financial institutions are sensitive to interest-rate changes, and food and health care companies are typically more resistant to economic downturns than, say, factory equipment manufacturers.





Market Value



When investors talk about company size, they are typically referring to its market capitalization, or total market value of the company’s stock based on current price and the number of shares outstanding. There are times when the market clearly favors small- or medium-cap stocks over large ones. And, of course, vice versa. Over the long term, academic research suggests that small-cap stocks outperform large ones.





Value Investing



Value investors seek to buy stocks that they believe are underpriced by the market. These companies may be out of favor because of the economic cycle, or because they have suffered setbacks such as disappointing earnings or unexpected competition. Whatever the reason, value investors are looking for stocks whose low prices are temporary. The idea is that current perceptions about the stock do not reflect its potential and that eventually the market will recognize the company’s true value.



There are several ways to identify stocks that may be undervalued. The most common is to look for stocks with a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) lower than that of the market average or the average of selected peer companies. Investors also look at the ratio of price to book value and price to sales.

识别可能被低估的股票有许多方法。最普遍的做法是,寻找那些市盈率(P/E)低于股市或同行业平均水平的企业。同时,投资者也会参考市净率(P/B Ratio)和市销率(P/S Ratio)两个指标。


Once you identify a company that seems undervalued, the next step is to estimate its true value. One way is to calculate the present value of future cash flows. Most individual investors rely on professionals to make both the necessary estimates and the calculations. Keep in mind that all the players in the market have access to those same estimates, so they are often—but not always—baked into the price of the stock.





Growth Investing



Growth investors look for companies whose sales and earnings are expected to increase at a faster rate than that of the market average or the average of their peers. The key difference between the growth and value philosophies is that the former places much more emphasis on a company’s revenue, unit sales, and market share, and somewhat less on earnings. Thus, growth investors tend to buy stocks that are already in favor and to pay prices that are relatively high in terms of P/E ratio. In the bull market of the late 1990s, growth investors tended to do very well, and growth returned to favor after the Great Recession.

增长型投资者关注的是那些销售和利润数据预期增速快于市场或同行业平均水平的公司。增长型和价值型的投资思路最主要的区别在于,前者更强调公司的收入、单位产品销售量以及市场份额,而较少关注盈利情况。因此,增长型投资者热衷购买已经是市场宠儿的股票,也甘愿付出相对更高的价格(以市盈率倍数衡量)。20世纪90年代后期的牛市中,增长型投资者大放异彩,2007年到2009年的经济大衰退(Great Recession)过后,增长型投资者又重返舞台。


By its nature, growth investing relies heavily on a “story” or a theory as to the forces behind a company’s projected growth. Even so, disciplined growth investors pay attention to the same fundamentals used by value investors, and they often set explicit growth targets and time frames. The danger is that even the best story may not work out on schedule. A quarter or two of earnings disappointments can result in a dramatic selloff and a lengthy period of skepticism.





Growth at a Reasonable Price



As the name implies, the “GARP” approach combines elements of value and growth investing, seeking to buy companies whose prices don’t fully reflect their solid growth prospects. For example, a company might be stuck in an out-of-favor industry sector but have new products in the pipeline that could propel it into a more attractive category. The particular emphasis given to growth and value varies considerably, although one or the other is usually clearly dominant. Among professional investors, GARP is sometimes used as an exception to give a value manager more flexibility to buy higher-priced stocks.




翻译 | 米萱  审校 | 郭力群

编辑 | 赵杰      编审 | 康娟




《巴伦》2019年3月18日报道“Stock Investing 101: A Guide to the Stock Market”。《财经》获道琼斯旗下《巴伦》(Barron's)在中国大陆独家授权,原创文章未经许可,不得转载。



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