主持人:梅特·洛夫特(Mette Lützhøft)、亚历克斯·尤勒(Alex Eule)
编辑 | 郭力群
2019-08-18 12:51:04
巴伦双语播客,每周一期,对最具价值的金融报道进行深入解读。 《巴伦》创刊于1921年,欢迎扫码关注,获取华尔街百年投资经典,最前沿投资资讯、最独家专业分析。

绘图/Joel Arbaje


It’s the story that doesn’t go away. For 18 months now, trade has hung over every conversation about the economy, politics, and Wall Street. 


The U.S. and China are jockeying for dominance—and stocks are caught in the crossfire, along with businesses and consumers. But now the trade war is entering a new phase that could hit consumers in a different way.


In the latest episode of The Readback, Avi Salzman joins host Alex Eule to talk about the ongoing trade war and where investors can find safety.

在最新一期The Readback中,主持人亚历克斯·尤勒(Alex Eule)和《巴伦》的阿维·萨尔兹曼(Avi Salzman)一起探讨了当前的贸易争端以及投资者如何避险。

The Readback is a financial podcast published every Wednesday. 

The Readback是一档每周更新一次的金融类播客栏目。

翻译 | Anqi


《巴伦》(barronschina) 原创文章,未经许可,不得转载。英文版见2019年8月16日报道“

Podcast: The Trade War Enters a More Dangerous Phase”


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