艾伯维发行300亿美元债券 | 播客《Numbers》
主持人:尼古拉斯·贾辛斯基(Nicholas Jasinski)
编辑 | 郭力群
2019-11-15 12:33:32

Our First Number is $700 Quintillion


That’s a seven followed by 20 zeros. You may have heard that number cited recently as the value of an asteroid called 16 Psyche . That’s because it’s made of metals—like gold.

700千万亿是7后面跟着20个0。你可能听说过这个数字最近被引用过,一颗名为16 Psyche的小行星的价值就是这么多,这是因为这颗小行星由金属组成,比如黄金等金属。

But that massive value doesn’t hold up in reality. If humans ever manage to mine the asteroid, a flood of space-gold would completely crater the terrestrial market. It might contain 80 million times as much gold as all the gold ever mined on Earth. All that extra supply would cause today’s gold price to plummet. And so would the value of the asteroid.


In any case, gold investors might not need to worry. The asteroid is 200 million miles from earth.

不管怎样,黄金投资者可能无需担心,因为 这颗小行星和地球之间的距离要达到2亿英里。

Google Will Offer Checking Accounts in 2020


And it’s just the latest tech giant to move into finance. Facebook (FB) has made several pushes into payments—first with its Libra cryptocurrency project and more recently with a peer-to-peer payments product. Apple(AAPL) also has its digital wallet and offers a credit card.

该公司成为又一家进军金融领域的科技巨头。Facebook (FB)已经在支付领域采取了一些举措——首先是Libra加密货币项目,最近又推出了一个P2P支付产品。苹果(Apple, AAPL)也推出了数字钱包和信用卡。

Google-parent Alphabet’s (GOOGL) checking accounts will be offered through Citigroup (C). Google probably doesn’t expect to make major profits from the accounts directly.

谷歌(Google)母公司Alphabet (GOOGL)的支票账户将通过花旗集团(Citigroup, C)提供。谷歌可能并不指望从该产品直接获得大量利润。

Instead, Google might be planning to monetize the customer relationship and data in other ways.


AbbVie Sold $30 Billion in Bonds This Week


It’s the biggest corporate bond sale this year. The drug maker is raising debt to finance its acquisition of peer Allergan (AGN), which is best known as the maker of Botox. Why was AbbVie interested? The company’s patent on its blockbuster drug Humira expires in 2023. So it’s seeking to diversify its product lineup.

这是今年规模最大的公司债发行。制药公司艾伯维(AbbVie, ABBV)正在通过举债给收购同类公司艾尔建(Allergan, AGN)的交易融资,后者以生产肉毒杆菌(Botox)而闻名。艾伯维为什么对艾尔建感兴趣?因为艾伯维的重磅药物Humira的专利权将于2023年到期,因此该公司正在寻求产品系列的多样化。

The bond issuance received higher-than-anticipated demand. That means AbbVie (ABBV) was able to borrow at lower interest rates than expected. It also shows that investors are still hungry for investment-grade corporate bonds.


翻译 | 小彩


《巴伦》(barronschina) 原创文章,未经许可,不得转载。英文版见2019年11月14日报道“AbbVie Sold $30 Billion in Bonds, and Two More Numbers to Know”。


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