主持人:亚历克斯·尤勒(Alex Eule)
编辑 | 郭力群
2019-11-22 13:36:25

Last week, Facebook (FB) said it plans to release a product called Facebook Pay, which will let Facebook users send money to one another directly, much like PayPal’s (PYPL) Venmo app. Google (GOOGL) is planning to offer checking accounts sometime in 2020. And Apple (AAPL) has also expanded into financial services with its credit card.

Facebook (FB)上周(11月11日至15日)称计划发布一款名为Facebook Pay的产品,Facebook的用户可以直接向对方汇款,类似于PayPal (PYPL)的Venmo应用程序。谷歌(Google)计划在2020年某个时候提供支票账户。苹果(Apple, AAPL)也已经通过推出信用卡进军金融服务领域。

So, is big tech’s takeover of finance finally here? Not according to Barron’s reporter Ben Walsh.

那么,大型科技公司这是要接管金融业了吗?《巴伦》记者本·沃尔什(Ben Walsh)并不这么认为。

“I think that what this shows is the opposite: How durable big banks are. They are not going anywhere, and they continue to churn out profits and tech has proven to have a difficult road getting into finance.


In the latest episode of The Readback, Ben Walsh argues that the disruption hasn’t happened largely because of financial regulation :

在最新一期《The Readback》中,本·沃尔什认为科技公司并没有给金融业带来颠覆的主要原因是金融监管:

“Bank regulators have done a great job over the last 80 to 90 years on defining what the products that banks can offer are. So when you think about what a bank can sell you—checking and savings accounts, mortgages, credit cards, different investment products—all are very narrowly defined and well regulated within those confines.


“What that ends up meaning is that if you want to get into finance as a business perspective, there’s only so many things you can offer. There’s not a new space to come into. And so technology company ends up offering products that are substantially similar—or they don’t end up happening.”


Both Apple and Google basically tie their new services to traditional banking. Goldman Sachs (GS) does all the underwriting for the Apple credit card, Google’s checking accounts will be offered through Citigroup (C). When Facebook recently tried to go beyond the existing financial framework with its cryptocurrency Libra, it received a lot of pushback from regulators.

苹果和谷歌基本上都将其新服务与传统银行业务联系在一起。高盛(Goldman Sachs, GS)负责苹果信用卡的所有承销,谷歌的支票帐户将通过花旗集团(Citigroup, C)提供。当Facebook最近试图让加密货币Libra超越现有金融框架时,该公司遭到了监管机构的极大反对。

The Readback是一档每周更新一次的金融类播客栏目。

巴伦双语播客,每周一期,对最具价值的金融报道进行深入解读。 《巴伦》创刊于1921年,欢迎扫码关注,获取华尔街百年投资经典,最前沿投资资讯、最独家专业分析。

翻译 | Anqi


《巴伦》(barronschina) 原创文章,未经许可,不得转载。英文版见2019年11月21日报道“Big Tech Still Can’t Beat the Banks. Here’s Why.”。


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