主持人:亚历克斯·尤勒(Alex Eule)
编辑 | 郭力群
2020-01-13 11:48:05

2019 was a banner year for investors, but it might have been an even better time for consumers. It was, of course, the year for food delivery, one-day shipping, ride sharing, and streaming—great services at bargain-basement prices.


The great deals have been effectively subsidized by venture capital firms and other private investors looking to fund the next big thing, regardless of profits. For money losing start-ups like Uber Technologies (UBER), Lyft (LYFT), Grubhub (GRUB), and Netflix (NFLX), success has been measured by growth and scale—how many people a company could sign up for their services.

这些服务都是由寻找下一个大事件的风投公司和其他私人投资者资助的,这些投资者目前还不在意这些业务有没有盈利。对于优步(Uber Technologies, UBER)、Lyft (LYFT)、Grubhub (GRUB)和Netflix (NFLX)等仍处于亏损状态的初创公司而言,它们做得是否成功主要还是以增长和规模衡量的,即公司能够吸引多少人来注册使用它们的服务。

In the latest episode of The Readback, Barron’s tech reporter Tae Kim, says that’s about to change.

在最新一期《Readback》中,《巴伦》科技板块记者金泰(Tae Kim)认为这种情况即将发生变化。

Tae Kim: “WeWork was the true turning point. Earlier this year, Softbank valued the company at $47 billion. And it was going to be a huge IPO—all the biggest banks, like JPMorgan, wanted in. And then when they actually filed their IPO documents, investors saw their massive losses, bewildering management practises, and strange corporate governance.


“And it caused a huge shift in investor sentiment.”


Alex Eule: “So investors have started to feel the pain. What does this all mean to consumers?”


Tae Kim: “It means their free lunch is about to end. Consumers are likely going to feel the pain as these business models turn out to not work.”


巴伦双语播客,每周一期,对最具价值的金融报道进行深入解读。 《巴伦》创刊于1921年,欢迎扫码关注,获取华尔街百年投资经典,最前沿投资资讯、最独家专业分析。

翻译 | Anqi


《巴伦》(barronschina) 原创文章,未经许可,不得转载。英文版见2020年1月9日报道“Great Deals on Ride Hailing, Food Delivery, and Streaming Won’t Last Forever. Here’s Why.”。


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