Garmin的飞机自动着陆新技术为什么没能获得广泛关注?| 播客《The Readback》
主持人:杰佛里·凯恩(Jeffrey Cane)
编辑 | 郭力群
2019-11-08 13:43:50

While we’re still waiting for self-driving cars, Garmin (ticker: GRMN) recently introduced the next best thing: self-landing plane technology. Autoland works by taking control of the aircraft when it senses an unresponsive pilot or if a passenger engages the system.

在我们仍在等待自动驾驶汽车时,Garmin (GRMN)最近推出了下一项新技术:飞机自动着陆技术。当自动着陆系统检测到飞行员无响应或乘客进入系统时,它就会接管飞机。

In the latest episode of The Readback, Alex Eule argues that had Garmin been another more hype-friendly tech company to introduce the technology, it would have received much more attention:

在最新一期《 The Readback》中,亚历克斯·尤勒(Alex Eule)认为,如果Garmin像其他科技公司那些热衷宣传自己研发的技术的话,那么这项技术会吸引更多关注:

“If any Silicon Valley company had come up with a self-landing plane, I think it would have been on the front pages of all the business sections. Tesla (TSLA) would have had a prime-time event. Amazon (AMZN) is famous for going on 60 Minutes to talk about its drone delivery vehicles—which by the way we’re still waiting for—and here we have Garmin actually making a real product that they say will be in planes from next year.

“如果是一家硅谷公司想到了飞机自动着陆这样的点子,我认为这个点子肯定会出现在所有媒体商业栏目的头条上。特斯拉(Tesla, TSLA)可能会为此在黄金时段举办一场活动;亚马逊(Amazon, AMZN)可能会在《60分钟》(60 Minutes)节目里谈论自己的无人机运输工具(顺便说一句,我们仍在等待这种工具的推出)。而Garmin已经研制出了一种真正的产品,该公司表示将从明年开始运用于飞机。

“The mere fact that it didn’t get more attention for it tells me that there’s no hype built in. And if they can deliver on the promise of this Autoland product ... I think there is a good case for the stock. Even after it’s gone up so much already, it remains undervalued.”


This week on The Readback, we’re switching things around a little. Guest host Jeffrey Cane interviews Alex Eule about his recent column on Garmin—a tech company that has prospered far from Silicon Valley.

在本周的《The Readback》中,主持人和嘉宾的位置来了一次对调,嘉宾主持人杰弗里·凯恩就亚历克斯·尤勒最近针对Garmin这家远离硅谷但繁荣发展的科技公司撰写的专栏文章采访了后者。

Jeff and Alex also discuss why Garmin has found success in the booming wearables market while Fitbit (FIT) struggled—and recently agreed to sell itself to Google, a unit of Alphabet (GOOGL), for $2.1 billion.

两人还讨论了Garmin在蓬勃发展的可穿戴设备市场中取得成功的原因,以及为什么Fitbit (FIT)却一直举步维艰,后者最近同意以21亿美元的价格被Alphabet (GOOGL)旗下的谷歌(Google)收购。

The Readback是一档每周更新一次的金融类播客栏目。

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翻译 | Anqi


《巴伦》(barronschina) 原创文章,未经许可,不得转载。英文版见2019年11月7日报道“Why Is Garmin’s New Self-Landing Plane Tech Not a Bigger Deal?”。


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